My Sisters
Leetah,My eldest sister ~S~
She is a professional model and lives with her fiance in L.A.
She is ALWAYS teasing me about her looks and I know she means it all in fun,
So I don't kill her for it ~EAHG~ At least,not yet

The twins,Senna and Sasha ~S~ These two may look alike but there aren't two
different people on the face of this earth.
Senna (the one on top) is laid back and doesn't really worry about too much at all.
Sasha (the other one) Is wild and ALWAYS on the move.
And even though they are both older than me,they look to me as their big sister,
which I just love them for ~S~
And finally,little Angela,the only one of us with a halfway normal name ~L~
Believe it or not the lil angel is 14 in this pic and she hasn't got anything
but a bigger heartbreaker than back then ~S~ Love ya,you being the only one I'm older than ~L~